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Vue.js - element-plus - el-table-v2 - How to have a link in a cell with href containing cell value?

I'm using vue.js and a virtualized table from element-plus. I want to have one of the columns to be a clickable link, href of which contains the data from the cell.

Table template:


Columns definition:

 const columns = [
    key: 'instance_id',
    title: 'instance_id',
    dataKey: 'instance_id',
    cellRenderer: ({ cellData: instance_id}) =>
        <ElLink v-bind:href="'' + instance_id" target="_blank">{instance_id}</ElLink>

Besides using ElLink I've tried:

<a v-bind:href="'' + instance_id" target="_blank">{instance_id}</a>

But neither works. Using just href instead of v-bind:href works, but it does not allow passing cell value (instance_id) into the URL to navigate to.

Can someone advise if there is a way to achieve what I'm trying to achieve? - have a cell in a table that is a clickable link, URL to navigate to of which contains the data from the cell.


  • Have you tried this?


    When rendering, just splice the strings directly.