I am building a document in quarto where I am using version 1.3.340. I have installed a LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live tinytex::install_tinytex()
where I am using version 0.45.
My document with the YAML is as follows:
title: "Title"
pdf-engine: xelatex
number-sections: true
number-depth: 3
editor: visual
## Section
This is the content of the section
### Subsection
This is the content of the subsection
However the sections are not numbered where I am getting the following result:
How can I number the section headings? Is there any mistakes in the code?
The issue was fixed by Christophe Dervieux (quarto developer) via https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/pull/6958. Now you can obtain the desire result.