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rgb to greyscale converter

Is there a function that converts rgb colours directly into their true greyscale form?

function rgbToGrayscale(red, green, blue) {
    const gray = []

    /* ---- CONVERSION CODE ---- */

    return gray

// color
const rgb = [20, 150, 240]

// grayscale conversion
const gray = rgbToGrayscale(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) // [121, 121, 121]

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can find a simple answer to this problem.


  • Space efficient one liners here:-

    For the exact same situation as OP (thanks @Joachim):-



    Quite Good:



    1. If you are fine with not having IE support (Check support for fill()) for the two above, you can replace for(gray=[];gray.length<3;gray.push with gray=Array(3).fill then remove the last ).

    2. Add Math.round( after gray.push( (or Array(3).fill( if you did 1) and ).toString(16).padStart(2,'0') before the last ) to get it in hex values.

    For c='#rrggbb' to:-

    Grayscale Value:


    Grayscale #rrggbb:


    P.S.: Reminder that grayscale color just has the same rr, gg and bb

    1. Remove v* to disable "Quite Good" Mode (also replace [.3,.59,.11] to [0,1,2] then remove v, (but I use just v* so that I can easily toggle between the two modes))
    2. Add x.length<6?c[i+1]+c[i+1]: after parseInt( to support both '#rrggbb' and '#rgb'
    3. Remove the +1(s) then replace the +2 to a +1 to support 'rrggbb' and 'rgb'
    4. If you're fine without IE support (Check support for repeat()) remove Array(4).join( and replace the last ) with .repeat(3)