I am working with Python, using the Folium library. I want to read GPS coordinates (lat, long) from a .txt and throw it on a list. The problem is, the list I have right now comes out being:
['(-27.414, -48.518)', '(-27.414, -48.517)', '(-27.413, -48.517)', '(-27.412, -48.517)', '(-27.412, -48.516)', '(-27.411, -48.516)']
But when I want to use each item from the last as a location, I have an error:
ValueError: Expected two (lat, lon) values for location, instead got: '(-27.414, -48.518)'
Is there any way of changing my list so those 'quotes' disappear?
I have tried:
list(map(int, coordinatesList))
'[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, coordinatesList))
But to no avail, on both of those, the list isn't a list anymore and if I try to access the first item, it returns '['.
On my .txt, each line is a coordinate set (lat, long), with no parentheses and separated by a comma. I have a function:
def criaListaDeCoordenadas(caminhoArquivo):
coordenadasLidas = []
with open(caminhoArquivo) as arquivo:
temp = []
for latLong in arquivo:
if latLong.strip():
for i in temp:
i = '(' + i + ')'
if i not in coordenadasLidas:
return coordenadasLidas
Which returns ['(-27.414, -48.518)', '(-27.414, -48.517)', '(-27.413, -48.517)', '(-27.412, -48.517)', '(-27.412, -48.516)', '(-27.411, -48.516)']
, but I want it to return [(-27.414, -48.518), (-27.414, -48.517), (-27.413, -48.517), (-27.412, -48.517), (-27.412, -48.516), (-27.411, -48.516)]
, while still being a list. The return of that function is to be used on folium.Marker()
You are creating a string representation of a tuple, rather than creating an actual tuple, to add to your list. Do something like
import re
def criaListaDeCoordenadas(caminhoArquivo):
coordenadasLidas = []
with open(caminhoArquivo) as arquivo:
temp = []
for lat_long_str in arquivo:
lat_long = [float(x) for x in re.split(r',\s*', lat_long_str)]
return coordenadasLidas