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Java 21 with Spring Boot 3.2 and WebFlux unable to get Headers from GraphQL request

I am using Java 21 with Spring Boot 3.2 and WebFlux. I need to receive some of my requests using GraphQL. I have the base project working, and am able to call my Controller/Service classes. However, I want to get the JWT from the request, but I am unable to get that working. If I add ServerHttpRequest request to the Controller parameters, I get the following error:

"message": "[IllegalStateException]: Parameter [0] in public java.util.Collection<com.myapp.rtf.model.Customer> com.myapp.rtf.controller.CustomerController.queryCustomers(org.springframework.http.server.ServerHttpRequest,java.lang.String):  was not recognized by any resolver and there is no source/parent either. Please, refer to the documentation for the full list of supported parameters.",

If I remove the ServerHttpRequest request from the controller, then my request works fine, but I am unable to get the request headers. Here are relevant files:


type Customer {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String
    zipCode: String
    address: String
    email: String

type Query {
    queryCustomers(zipCode: String): [Customer]

schema {
    query: Query


import org.springframework.http.server.ServerHttpRequest;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;

import java.util.Collection;

public class CustomerController {

    private final CustomerService service;

    public CustomerController(CustomerService service) {
        this.service = service;

    public Collection<Customer> queryCustomers(ServerHttpRequest request, @Argument String zipCode) {
        return service.queryCustomers(zipCode);


That gives the error. If I try to Autowire or pass in the ServerHttpRequest to the constructor, such as:

public CustomerController(ServerHttpRequest request, CustomerService service) {

I get the following error:

Parameter 0 of constructor in com.myapp.rtf.controller.CustomerController required a bean of type 'org.springframework.http.server.ServerHttpRequest' that could not be found.

How do I get the headers from requests with this WebFlux setup? I also tried using ServerWebExchange, but getting the same errors. Thanks


  • From the Spring GraphQL documentation, if you want to read headers in controllers, you can use a WebGraphQlInterceptor to read it from Http request firstly, and transport to GraphQLContext.

    class RequestHeaderInterceptor implements WebGraphQlInterceptor { 
        public Mono<WebGraphQlResponse> intercept(WebGraphQlRequest request, Chain chain) {
            String value = request.getHeaders().getFirst("Bearer");
            request.configureExecutionInput((executionInput, builder) ->
                    builder.graphQLContext(Collections.singletonMap("token", value)).build());
    class CustomerController { 
        Flux<Customer> queryCustomers(@ContextValue String token, @Argument String zipCode) {