I have the following code defining the record type Building
public type Coordinate record {|
float longitude;
float latitude;
public type Campus record {|
string code;
string name;
public type Site record {|
string location;
public type Building record {
string code;
string address;
Site site;
Campus campus;
Coordinate coordinate;
I am unable to convert the given string to Building[] as I have done below.
service / on ln {
isolated resource function get test() returns anydata|error?
json mockedResponse = "[{\"site\": {\"location\": \"Winterthur\"}, \"campus\": {\"code\": \"T\", \"name\": \"Technikumstrasse\"}, \"code\": \"TD\", \"address\": \"Obere Kirchgasse 2, 8500 Winterthur\", \"coordinate\": {\"longitude\": 8.729426, \"latitude\": 47.498449}}, {\"site\": {\"location\": \"Winterthur\"}, \"campus\": {\"code\": \"T\", \"name\": \"Technikumstrasse\"}, \"code\": \"TH\", \"address\": \"Hauptgeb\\u00e4ude, 8500 Winterthur\",\"coordinate\": {\"longitude\": 8.729357, \"latitude\": 47.497303}}]";
json response = <json> check mockedResponse.cloneWithType(json);
Building[] buildings = <Building[]> check response.cloneWithType();
foreach Building building in buildings {
You can directly use the fromJsonStringWithType()
method to convert the string to Building[] here.
string mockedResponse = "[{\"site\": {\"location\": \"Winterthur\"}, \"campus\": {\"code\": \"T\", \"name\": \"Technikumstrasse\"}, \"code\": \"TD\", \"address\": \"Obere Kirchgasse 2, 8500 Winterthur\", \"coordinate\": {\"longitude\": 8.729426, \"latitude\": 47.498449}}, {\"site\": {\"location\": \"Winterthur\"}, \"campus\": {\"code\": \"T\", \"name\": \"Technikumstrasse\"}, \"code\": \"TH\", \"address\": \"Hauptgeb\\u00e4ude, 8500 Winterthur\",\"coordinate\": {\"longitude\": 8.729357, \"latitude\": 47.497303}}]";
Building[] buildings = check mockedResponse.fromJsonStringWithType();
foreach Building building in buildings {