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Slow script execution

I use a MSGraph PowerShell script to extract certain information from our users' O365 accounts. The script runs fine for the first dozen users or so, then seems to stall for a minute or few then resume normally for the next dozen or so users and so on. I'd like to know if there's a way to speed up the execution. The execution speed is fine until extracting the SignInActivity. That's where things get bogged down. The problem lines are below.

@{Label = "Last Sign On"; Expression = {
    #Expression variables
    $GUID = $_.Id
    $GetSignOn = Get-MgUser -UserId $GUID -Property SignInActivity | `
    Select-Object {$_.SignInActivity} -ExpandProperty SignInActivity | Select-Object LastSignInDateTime
    #Extract desired data from array
    $LastSignOn = $GetSignOn.LastSignInDateTime -split " "

I've removed the SignInActivity request from the script and it runs without pauses and at a decent pace. Clarifying the question, Can I speed up the execution of the portion of the script which pulls users' SignInActivity and if so, how? The full code is below.

#Connect to Microsoft Graph with Required Scopes
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Directory.Read.All","AuditLog.Read.All"

#Switch to Beta version to access Last Sign On Properties
Select-MgProfile beta

#DateStamp and Path for Output file
$LogDate = Get-Date -Format "dd-MMM-yyyy"
$Path = "C:\Scripts\MSGraph\ADUsers\CTS Licensed Users_$LogDate.csv"

#Define Properties for UserReport
$Properties = @(
    'GivenName', 'DisplayName', 'JobTitle', 'UserPrincipalName', 'CompanyName', 'Department', 'MobilePhone', 'BusinessPhones', 'OfficeLocation', `
    'StreetAddress', 'City', 'State', 'OtherMails', 'EmployeeId', 'Manager', 'CreatedDateTime', 'EmployeeHireDate', 'Id', 'SignInActivity', 'AssignedLicenses'

#Define Filter Variables for Users with Paid O365 Subscription
$StdLicense = "f245ecc8-75af-4f8e-b61f-27d8114de5f3"
$PremLicense = "cbdc14ab-d96c-4c30-b9f4-6ada7cdc1d46"

#Define Filter Variable to exclude IT Helpdesk
$IT = "IT Helpdesk"

#Structure Filter as a Script Block
$UserReport = Get-MgUser -Filter "AccountEnabled eq true" -Property $Properties | Where-Object {
    ( ($_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId -eq $StdLicense) -or ($_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId -eq $PremLicense) -and ($_.DisplayName -ne $IT ) )

Write-Host -f Yellow "PowerShell is Preparing:"
Write-Host -f Yellow "CTS Licensed User Report"

#Build Hashtable and Populate Properties
$UserReport | Sort-Object GivenName | Select-Object `
@{Label = "Full Name"; Expression = { $_.DisplayName } },
@{Label = "Job Title"; Expression = { $_.JobTitle } },
@{Label = "Company Email"; Expression = { $_.UserPrincipalName } },
@{Label = "Company"; Expression = { $_.CompanyName } },
@{Label = "Department"; Expression = { $_.Department } },
@{Label = "Mobile Phone"; Expression = { $_.MobilePhone } },
@{Label = "Office Phone"; Expression = { $_.BusinessPhones } },
@{Label = "Office Address"; Expression = { $_.OfficeLocation } },
@{Label = "Employee Street"; Expression = { $_.StreetAddress } },
@{Label = "Employee City"; Expression =  { $_.City } },
@{Label = "Employee State"; Expression = { $_.State } },
@{Label = "Personal Email"; Expression = { $_.OtherMails } },
@{Label = "EIN"; Expression = { $_.EmployeeId } },
@{Label = "Manager Name"; Expression =  {
    #Expression variables
    $UserId = $_.UserPrincipalName
    $ManagerArry = Get-MgUser -UserId $UserId -ExpandProperty Manager | `
    Select-Object {$_.Manager.AdditionalProperties.displayName}
    #Extract desired data from array
    $splitName = $ManagerArry -Split "="
    $ManagerName = $splitName -split "}"
    } },
@{Label = "Manager Email"; Expression = {
    #Expression variables
    $UserId = $_.UserPrincipalName
    $MailArry = Get-MgUser -UserId $UserId -ExpandProperty Manager | `
    Select-Object {$_.Manager.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName}
    #Extract desired data from array
    $splitMail = $MailArry -Split "="
    $ManagerMail = $splitMail -Split"}"
    } },
@{Label = "Account Created"; Expression = {
    #Expression variables
    $CreatedOn = $_.CreatedDateTime
    #Extract desired data from array
    $SplitTime = $CreatedOn -Split " "
    $CreatedDate = $SplitTime -Split "="
    $CreatedDate[0] } },
@{Label = "Hire Date"; Expression = {
    #Expression variables 
    $HiredOn = $_.EmployeeHireDate
    #Extract desired data from array
    $NoHireTime = $HiredOn -Split " "
    $HireDate = $NoHireTime -Split "="
    $HireDate[0] } },
@{Label = "License"; Expression = {
    #Expression variables
    $UserId = $_.UserPrincipalName
    $GetLicenses = Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId $UserId | Select-Object SkuPartNumber
    $GetLicenses.SkuPartNumber -join ','
    } },
@{Label = "Last Sign On"; Expression = {
    #Indicate Progress
    Write-Host "Exporting User Details for"$_.DisplayName
    #Expression variables
    $GUID = $_.Id
    $GetSignOn = Get-MgUser -UserId $GUID -Property SignInActivity | `
    Select-Object {$_.SignInActivity} -ExpandProperty SignInActivity | Select-Object LastSignInDateTime
    #Extract desired data from array
    $LastSignOn = $GetSignOn.LastSignInDateTime -split " "
} | Export-Csv -Path $Path -NoTypeInformation

Write-Host -f Yellow "Success!"
Write-Host -f Yellow "Report Saved to:" $Path


  • NOTE

    Since I see that you have Select-MgProfile beta in your code, most likely you're using an old version of this Module, in latest version the cmdlets targeting beta and v1.0 endpoints have been divided into 2 different Modules, now for beta you would use Get-MgBetaUser without a need for Select-MgProfile.

    Consider updating your Module with:

    Update-Module Microsoft.Graph

    And installing the beta version with:

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Beta

    There is a lot that can be improved from your current code, the main issues are many Graph calls for the same user to get information you already have, i.e. Get-MgUser -UserId $UserId -ExpandProperty Manager is being called twice, to get the Manager's displayName and mail when the API call could be just one. The other inefficiency comes when calling Get-MgUserLicenseDetail for each user when what you could do instead is create a map of all SkuID and their corresponding SkuPartNumber using Get-MgSubscredSku -All.

    Filtering all users with:

    Where-Object {
        $_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId -eq $StdLicense -or 
        $_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId -eq $PremLicense -and
        $_.DisplayName -ne $IT

    Can be replaced by filtering server side, with the OData filter, i.e.:

    displayName ne '$IT' and
    (assignedLicenses/any(e:e/skuId eq $StdLicense) or
    assignedLicenses/any(e:e/skuId eq $PremLicense))

    Finally, the use of Select-Object and its horrible syntax for calculated properties makes the code unreadable, its recommended to use [pscustomobject] instead.

    The final code becomes:

    # definitions of `$Properties`, `$StdLicense`, `$premLicense` and others
    # remains the same here
    $skuMap = @{}
    Get-MgSubscribedSku -All | ForEach-Object {
        $skuMap[$_.SkuId] = $_.SkuPartNumber
    $getMgUserSplat = @{
        Filter           = -join @(
            "accountEnabled eq true and "                         # All Enabled user accounts
            "displayName ne '$IT' and "                           # Where their displayName is not `$IT`
            "(assignedLicenses/any(e:e/skuId eq $StdLicense) or " # and any of their assigned licenses
            "assignedLicenses/any(e:e/skuId eq $PremLicense))"    # is either `$StdLicense` or `$PremLicense`
        Property         = $Properties
        ConsistencyLevel = 'eventual'
        CountVariable    = 'count'
        All              = $true
    Get-MgUser @getMgUserSplat | ForEach-Object {
        $managerEmail = $managerName = $null
        $manager = (Get-MgUserManager -UserId $_.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).AdditionalProperties
        if ($manager) {
            $managerName = $manager['displayName']
            $managerEmail = $manager['mail']
            'Full Name'       = $_.DisplayName
            'Job Title'       = $_.JobTitle
            'Company Email'   = $_.UserPrincipalName
            'Company'         = $_.CompanyName
            'Department'      = $_.Department
            'Mobile Phone'    = $_.MobilePhone
            'Office Phone'    = $_.BusinessPhones -join ', '
            'Office Address'  = $_.OfficeLocation
            'Employee Street' = $_.StreetAddress
            'Employee City'   = $_.City
            'Employee State'  = $_.State
            'Personal Email'  = $_.OtherMails -join ', '
            'EIN'             = $_.EmployeeId
            'Manager Name'    = $managerName
            'Manager Email'   = $managerEmail
            'Account Created' = $_.CreatedDateTime
            'Hire Date'       = $_.EmployeeHireDate
            'License'         = $skuMap[$_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId] -join ', '
            'Last Sign On'    = $_.SignInActivity.LastSignInDateTime
    } | Export-Csv $Path -NoTypeInformation