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Gutenburg Inserting a DIV around Floated Images Breaking the Float

I am using gutenberg to layout blog posts, some of these posts will have an image floating aside a paragraph.

For whatever reason Wordpress inserts a div around the floating image breaking the effect.

Here is example HTML that it outputs:

<div class="wp-block-image">
<figure class="alignleft  size-full is-resized">
<img decoding="async" src="/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/uploads/2023/06/company-working.png.webp" alt="a group of employees working together at a large desk in a brightly lit office building" class="wp-image-3120" style="width:350px" width="350">

Which leads to an image that is not as wide as the page just breaking up the text instead of floating around like the preview screen.


screenshot of image wrapped in div

Edit page: floated image in edit screen

I tried the method outlined here by adding it to the functions.php file to filter the block output but it doesn't seem to work.

I also see refences to this issue on the gutenburg github as being fixed but my WP version is up to date and still has the problem.

Any help or insight would be helpful, thank you!


  • After tangling this for a while I realized the parent container around the post content and images set to display: flex thus breaking all the floats. Whoops, adding an unstyled div tag around the content / images in the post template fixed it right up.