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Changing title of ExpansionTile, when expanded in flutter

I want to change ExpansionTile title in flutter, so when tile is expanded, title is "less" and when tile isn't expanded, title is "more"...

I already tried using ExpansionTileController.isExpanded? "less": "more", but I get error: Failed assertion: line 49 pos 12: '_state != null': is not true.


  • You can add parameter isExpanded into is and set setState in onExpansionChanged.

    The sample code follows below:

    class CustomExpansionTile extends StatefulWidget {
      const CustomExpansionTile({
        required this.level,
        required this.person,
      final int level;
      final Person person;
      State<CustomExpansionTile> createState() => _CustomExpansionTileState();
    class _CustomExpansionTileState extends State<CustomExpansionTile> {
      bool isExpanded = false; // Add this
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Theme(
          data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
            dividerColor: Colors.transparent,
          child: ExpansionTile(
            onExpansionChanged: (bool expanded) {
              // Add this
              setState(() {
                isExpanded = expanded;
            title: Text(,
            leading: Icon(
              isExpanded ? Icons.expand_more : Icons.chevron_right, // Using
            trailing: const Text(''),
            children: widget.person.subPersons
                .map((sp) => Padding(
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 24.0),
                      child: CustomExpansionTile(
                        person: sp,
                        level: widget.level + 1,


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