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How to traverse the PDOStatement object i.e. fetch first, last previous next etc?

I am trying to access data again and again in a webpage. Is there a better way ? some thing like movetofirst(), movetolast(), movetoprevious(), movetonext() could be nice.

right now i am retrieving the resultset as an array (using fetchall()) and resusing the array again and again.

Is there something like below be done? I need not execute the query again and again. keep the data in a array and consume resources if the result/array is of many hundred rows.

$sql = 'SELECT cityname, statename FROM TBLPLACES ORDER BY cityname, statename';
$stmt = $conn->query($sql);
if ($stmt) {
       // do some thing

    // do some more thing
    // now here, can i access same $stmt object
    // to fetch resultset again without executing
    // $stmt = $conn->query($sql); again ?
    // (no change in query sql, need to fetch the same static data again.)
    // something like below will be nice.
    // $stmt->movetofirst();
    // while($row=$stmt->fetch()){
    //   do some thing;
    // } 


  • To fetch last result you can do:

    $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM, PDO::FETCH_ORI_LAST);

    Or write the row numbers manualy. Other PDO::FETCH_ORI_* constants here, but essentially you want to pay more attention to the 2nd and 3rd parameter in PDOStatement::fetch() method.