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Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Interop.Office' does not have a strong name

I have a WPF 4 project to interact with word documents made in VS2010 and a win form User Control project to host word application into it. And other com dlls. All com dlls are referred into my main wpf application. I want to publish my project so I can install it on another machine and perform automatic update for it, I get error: "Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Interop.Office' does not have a strong name. ". error for each COM Dll. A dll refer to (Interop.word.dll,, interop.VBIDE.dll) and all these dlls are also refer and used into my wpf code.

I found Strong Signed Assemblies link have same question but it does not solve the problem.


  • I spent a while trawling the internet for this, I believe that the answer you need may be here, for most 3rd party dll's.

    "Adding Strong Name to Interop DLL"

    The article describes three ways to add a strong name to a third party assembly. The commands are:
    1. Adding a Strong Name via Key Pair

    > SN -k MyKeyPair.snk
    > ILDASM ASQLService.dll /
    > ILASM /dll /resource=ASQLService.res /key=MyKeyPair.snk

    2. Adding a Strong Name via a Certificate in a Certificate Store

    > ILDASM ASQLService.dll /  
    > MAKECERT -ss MyCertificateStore -sk MyKeyContainer
    > ILASM /dll /resource=ASQLService.res /key=@MyKeyContainer

    3. Adding a Strong Name via a Certificate in a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) File

    > MAKECERT -r -pe -sv MyCertificate.pvk MyCertificate.cer
    > PVK2PFX -pvk MyCertificate.pvk -pi qwerty -spc MyCertificate.cer -pfx MyCertificate.pfx
    > SN -p MyCertificate.pfx MyCertificate-publickey.snk
    > ILASM /dll /resource=ASQLService.res /key=MyCertificate-publickey.snk
    > SN -R ASQLService.dll MyCertificate.pfx

    Hope it helped