I'm using Redux-Toolkit and trying to delete a product from my cart (Bag) but it's not working when I'm trying to use
removeBook(state, action) {
state.books = state.books.filter(book => book.title !== action.payload)
whereas it works in this way
removeBook(state, action) {
state.books.splice(action.payload, 1)
What is any explanation for this?
If using the Array.prototype.splice method works then it would seem you are dispatching the removeBook
and passing an index as the payload value.
removeBook(state, action) {
state.books.splice(action.payload, 1);
{books.map((book, index) => (
<div key={book.title}>
onClick={() => dispatch(removeBook(index))} // <-- passing index
If you want to use the index and filter:
removeBook(state, action) {
state.books = state.books.filter((book, index) => index !== action.payload);
{books.map((book, index) => (
<div key={book.title}>
onClick={() => dispatch(removeBook(index))} // <-- passing index
If you would like to use the book title to remove a book from state then pass the book's title value.
removeBook(state, action) {
state.books = state.books.filter(book => book.title !== action.payload);
{books.map((book) => (
<div key={book.title}>
onClick={() => dispatch(removeBook(book.title))} // <-- passing title