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Function pointer is 0 after cast

I am trying to develop my own OS. While setting up the IDT, I want to get address of the ISR0 function using &isr0 like this:

//The example function
void isr0() {
    volatile uint8_t* ptr1 = (uint8_t*)(0xB8000);
    ptr1[0] = 'A';
void main(){
    int ptr = (int)&isr0;
    volatile uint8_t* ptr1 = (uint8_t*)0xB8000;
    int offset2 = 40;
    int value = (int)ptr;
    ptr1[0 + offset2] = 48 + (value/100000) % 10;
    ptr1[2 + offset2] = 48 + (value/10000) % 10;
    ptr1[4 + offset2] = 48 + (value/1000) % 10;
    ptr1[6 + offset2] = 48 + (value/100) % 10;
    ptr1[8 + offset2] = 48 + (value/10) % 10;
    ptr1[10+ offset2] = 48 + (value/1) % 10;

And the output of this is 000000.

Qemu window showing 000000

On a normal Linux machine, it works with no problem showing me the memory location.

Also, I have noticed that when I try to make the function pointer and then call the function pointer, it does indeed work; however, when I try to get its value it just doesn't work. (&isr0 cannot be a problem then. It's the problem of somehow parsing it into int.)

Can anyone tell me why this happens, and how to fix it?

Steps to compile
i686-elf-gcc -nostdlib -O3 -ffreestanding -Wall -Wextra -m32 -c kernel.c -o bin/stage4.bin
objcopy -O binary bin/stage4.bin bin/stage5.bin

Compile those two using:

nasm stage1.asm -f bin -o bin/stage1.bin

And then just cat it all together:

cat bin/stage1.bin bin/stage2.bin bin/stage5.bin > bin/stage3.bin
qemu-system-x86_64 -fda bin/stage3.bin -vga vmware  -d guest_errors -m 64M >> bin/a 2>&1


  • i686-elf-gcc -nostdlib -O3 -ffreestanding -Wall -Wextra -m32 -c kernel.c -o bin/stage4.bin 
    objcopy -O binary bin/stage4.bin bin/stage5.bin

    This won't work. gcc -c produces a relocatable object file, which you've misleadingly named stage4.bin instead of .o. It doesn't contain actual addresses of objects at the locations in memory where they need to be; rather, it puts in a placeholder (possibly 0), and has a separate relocation table to inform the linker of the name of the symbol whose address should go there. But you didn't actually link the file; you just objcopy'd into binary, which simply discards the relocation table and leaves the memory location occupied by the 0 placeholder.

    You have to actually run the linker on your object file to resolve all these references and build an executable, using an appropriate linker script. See for some examples. Then you can objcopy to binary after that.