I'm hitting my head against the wall here with this... I'm trying to create a simple script that loads a file as an array, and searches for each line through files whether there is a match.
The script looks something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Please enter the full path to the directory where the log files are located:"
read -r log_directory
readarray -t lines < mac-addresses.txt
echo "Loaded ${#lines[@]} mac addresses to search for."
for mac_address in "${lines[@]}"
found=$(find "$log_directory" -name 'dhcpd.log.[1-30]' -exec grep "$mac_address" {} + | wc -l)
echo "Result for $mac_address $count"
This is what happens when I call the script:
Please enter the full path to the directory where the log files are located:
Loaded 2 mac addresses to search for.
esult for d4:3d:7e:ce:24:14
esult for 00:12:34:56:78:9a
command mangled?find "$log_directory" -name 'dhcpd.log.[1-30]' -exec grep "$mac_address" {} + | wc -l
?I've tried using $()
, tried using backticks, but I can't really seem to capture the command correctly.
Here's an output example:
$ find "./logs" -name 'dhcpd.log.[1-30]' -exec grep "d4:3d:7e:ce:24:14" {} + | wc -l
arned@Saturn MINGW64 /d/src/Scripts/mac-address-searcher
$ find "./logs" -name 'dhcpd.log.[1-30]' -exec grep "00:12:34:56:78:9a" {} + | wc -l
So the command is doing exactly what I want, but I just can't get it to work correctly inside my bash script...
Credit goes to @KamilCuk for pointing out the issue with Windows:
# Remove special characters from Windows such as the carriage return.
# Otherwise the search will fail as the input gets messed up.
Since the input file comes from a Windows system, the carriage return needs to be removed for each entry. This makes the commands work correctly.