I am new to react native, I am trying to insert elements into the drawer header, my idea is to remove the title from the screen and create a new title with onPress and add two more elements, but I can't find the properties for this. thanks for reading me.
my code
drawerContent={props => <CustomDrawer {...props} />}
headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#6A994E' },
headerTitleStyle: { color: '#fff' },
headerTintColor: '#fff',
drawerLabelStyle: { marginLeft: -25, fontSize: 15 },
drawerActiveBackgroundColor: '#6A994E',
drawerActiveTintColor: '#fff',
headerRight: (props) => { <HeaderComponent {...props} /> }
<Drawer.Screen name='Sales' component={SalesScreen} options={{ drawerIcon: SalesIcon}} />
<Drawer.Screen name='Inventory' component={InventoryScreen} options={{ drawerIcon: InventoryIcon }} />
Just replace the current title using headerTitle
and other elements using headerRight
. Something like this:
headerTitle: (props) => (
<Pressable onPress={...}>
<Text>New title</Text>
headerRight: (props) => {
return <HeaderComponent {...props} />;