I'm a relative newbie with regard to Python, however, I wanted to create a custom budgeting program to gain some more practice and exposure. I have the following class so far -
class NewAccountEntryFrame(CTkFrame):
def __init__(self, master, cursor):
self.cursor = cursor
self.account_types = []
print("self.account_types", self.account_types) #debugging line to make sure the self.account_types is empty at this point
self.frame_label = CTkLabel(master=self, text="New Account Entry", font=("Arial", 30))
self.new_account_label = CTkLabel(master=self, text="Enter New Account Name:")
self.new_account_entry = CTkEntry(master=self, width=30)
self.new_account_entry.bind("<Return>", self.add_account)
self.new_account_type_label = CTkLabel(master=self, text="Enter New Account Type:")
self.new_account_type_combobox = CTkComboBox(master=self, width=30)
self.new_account_type_combobox.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.on_click)
self.new_account_add_button = CTkButton(master=self, text="Add")
Once a new_account_entry is entered, I'm calling the following function that checks to see if the name is an existing one in an AccountName
def add_account(self, event):
new_account_name = self.new_account_entry.get()
if not new_account_name:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please enter an account name.")
self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Account WHERE AccountName = ?", (new_account_name,))
existing_account = self.cursor.fetchone()
if existing_account:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Account already exists.")
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Account is not in the database. Please select an account type.")
So, now is where I'm struggling. I call the update_account_types()
function, which pulls the list of AccountTypes
from the AccountType
def update_account_types(self):
print("Fetching Account Types...")
account_types = [row[0] for row in self.cursor.execute("SELECT AccountType FROM AccountType ORDER BY AccountType")]
print ("account types", account_types) #Prints out the account_types from the database as expected
self.account_types = account_types
print("self.account_types", self.account_types) #prints out the account_types from the database as expected
so now my self.account_types
variable has values in my class above, however, when I click on the new_account_type_combobox
, the only value I see is CTkComboBox
I was able to get the combobox
to populate correctly before I added the add_account
function to check if an account_name
already existed in the database.
I can print out the account_types
to the screen, however, they are not populating the combo box.
Documentation: CTkComboBox
GUI will not add it automatically to widget. You have to use .configure(values=...)
self.new_account_type_combobox.configure(values=["new value 1", "new value 2"])
In your code it can means values=self.account_types
And you have to do it always when you get new values from database.
So you have to do it in update_account_types()