I have a MudForm, inside this I have a MudTabs that on each tab has some mudform elements, There is for example a required and stringlength validation on some of the Mud text fields, required is defined as a MudTextField validation and stringlength as fluent validation:
<MudBlazor.MudForm Model="person" @onsubmit="ValidSubmit" @ref="frmMain"
<MudBlazor.Paper Elevation="3" MinHeight="80vh" MinWidth="80vw">
<MudBlazor.MudTabs Elevation="1" Rounded="true" PanelClass="pa-6">
<MudBlazor.MudTabPanel ID="1">
<Stack Row="true" Spacing="2" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Justify="Justify.FlexStart" Class="mb-4">
<MudBlazor.MudTextField Label="Register Code" Required="true"
RequiredError="Register Code is required"
For="@(() => person.PersonJuridical.RegisterCode)"
<MudBlazor.MudTabPanel ID="3">
<MudBlazor.MudPaper Elevation="3" Class="pa-4" MinWidth="80vw" MinHeight="80vh">
<Stack Row="true" Spacing="2" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Justify="Justify.FlexStart">
<Select HelperText="group" T="int" Label="group"
@foreach (var item in collections.CustomerGroups)
<MudBlazor.MudSelectItem Value="@item.Id">
and this is the method that passes validation if I am on the second tab. and I enter invalid data in the first tab:
@code {
MudBlazor.MudForm frmMain;
async Task ValidSubmit()
await frmMain.Validate();
if (frmMain.IsValid)
PersonDTO dto = new PersonDTO()
Person = person,
Roles = selectedRoles.ToList(),
UserPrograms = selectedPrograms.ToList()
PesronModelFluentValidator modelValidator = new PesronModelFluentValidator();
public class PesronModelFluentValidator : AbstractValidator<Person>
public PesronModelFluentValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.PersonJuridical.RegisterCode)
.WithMessage("register code should be at most 20 characters");
How to correct this so that after clicking submit, even if I am on a tab that does not require validation, and enter invalid data on another tab validation forbid submitting?
You need to set the tabs KeepPanelsAlive
property to true, this way the inactive tabs are rendered but hidden using (display:none) instead of not being rendered at all.
<MudTabs KeepPanelsAlive="true">
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