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MudTabs inside MudForm, Each tab has some form elements, Validation occures only if on that specific tab

I have a MudForm, inside this I have a MudTabs that on each tab has some mudform elements, There is for example a required and stringlength validation on some of the Mud text fields, required is defined as a MudTextField validation and stringlength as fluent validation:

    <MudBlazor.MudForm Model="person" @onsubmit="ValidSubmit" @ref="frmMain"
            <MudBlazor.Paper Elevation="3" MinHeight="80vh" MinWidth="80vw">
                <MudBlazor.MudTabs Elevation="1" Rounded="true" PanelClass="pa-6">
                    <MudBlazor.MudTabPanel ID="1">
         <Stack Row="true" Spacing="2" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Justify="Justify.FlexStart" Class="mb-4">
             <MudBlazor.MudTextField Label="Register Code" Required="true"
                                     RequiredError="Register Code is required"
                                     For="@(() => person.PersonJuridical.RegisterCode)"
    <MudBlazor.MudTabPanel ID="3">
            <MudBlazor.MudPaper Elevation="3" Class="pa-4" MinWidth="80vw" MinHeight="80vh">
                <Stack Row="true" Spacing="2" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Justify="Justify.FlexStart">
                    <Select HelperText="group" T="int" Label="group"
                        @foreach (var item in collections.CustomerGroups)
                            <MudBlazor.MudSelectItem Value="@item.Id">

and this is the method that passes validation if I am on the second tab. and I enter invalid data in the first tab:

 @code {
    MudBlazor.MudForm frmMain;
    async Task ValidSubmit()
        await frmMain.Validate();
        if (frmMain.IsValid)
            PersonDTO dto = new PersonDTO()
                Person = person,
                Roles = selectedRoles.ToList(),
                UserPrograms = selectedPrograms.ToList()

    PesronModelFluentValidator modelValidator = new PesronModelFluentValidator();
    public class PesronModelFluentValidator : AbstractValidator<Person>
        public PesronModelFluentValidator()
            RuleFor(x => x.PersonJuridical.RegisterCode)
                .WithMessage("register code should be at most 20 characters");

How to correct this so that after clicking submit, even if I am on a tab that does not require validation, and enter invalid data on another tab validation forbid submitting?


  • You need to set the tabs KeepPanelsAlive property to true, this way the inactive tabs are rendered but hidden using (display:none) instead of not being rendered at all.

    MudBlazor Docs

    <MudTabs KeepPanelsAlive="true">
        <!-- content -->