I'm using R to build a simple macro generator, and I want to map across a data frame making substitutions in a string building one output string for each row of the dataframe
~title, ~name,~age,
This has parameters {{title}} {{name}}
and more {{age}}
I need to apply a gsub function for each row of the dataframe and sub the values for parameter names matching the column
fun<-function(name-of-column,value-of-column) {
It's easy to permute the column data
df %>% mutate(across(where(is.character),~ gsub("mit","yyy",.x)))
But I want to operate on something outside and pass the name and value of the column to the operation .x gives the value in the tibble but how do a refer to the name?
df %>% mutate(across(where(is.character),~ fun(.x,.x)))
I hope that makes sense!
If I understand you correctly, i.e. creating a string for each row of your data based on the str
pattern, you could use glue::glue
to achieve your desired result like so:
df <- tribble(
~title, ~name, ~age,
"Mr", "Smith", 46,
"Ms", "Jones", 26,
"Ms", "Wiles", 20
str <- "
This has parameters {{title}} {{name}}
and more {{age}}
df %>%
output = glue::glue(str, .open = "{{", .close = "}}")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#> title name age output
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <glue>
#> 1 Mr Smith 46 This has parameters Mr Smith
#> and more 46
#> 2 Ms Jones 26 This has parameters Ms Jones
#> and more 26
#> 3 Ms Wiles 20 This has parameters Ms Wiles
#> and more 20