From a list of object like this. I am trying to estimate the mean by column x
ymin ymax x
42.34721 47.26508 0.125
43.85269 46.66316 0.375
ymin ymax x
42.47198 47.33008 0.125
43.89134 46.68878 0.375
ymin ymax x
42.48128 47.35456 0.125
43.89433 46.69511 0.375
I am expecting the mean to be estimated like this
ymin ymax x
(42.34721 + 42.47198 + 42.48128)/3 (47.26508 + 47.33008 + 47.35456)/3 0.125
(43.85269 + 43.89134 + 43.89433)/3 (46.66316 + 46.68878 + 46.69511)/3 0.375
I tried several options for example
df <-, listdf)
aggregate (df[1:2], df[3], mean)
listdf %>%
group_by(3) %>%
summarise_all(mean) %>%
aggregate(. ~ x, data = df, FUN=mean)
I am not getting the right answer from none of these attempts above. Any suggestions or advise on where I am wrong is much appreciated. Thanks.
We could do it this way (with dplyr
list_of_dataframes <- list(
ymin = c(42.34721, 43.85269),
ymax = c(47.26508, 46.66316),
x = c(0.125, 0.375)
ymin = c(42.47198, 43.89134),
ymax = c(47.33008, 46.68878),
x = c(0.125, 0.375)
ymin = c(42.48128, 43.89433),
ymax = c(47.35456, 46.69511),
x = c(0.125, 0.375)
list_of_dataframes %>%
bind_rows() %>%
summarise(ymin_mean = mean(ymin), ymax_mean = mean(ymax), .by = x)
x ymin_mean ymax_mean
1 0.125 42.43349 47.31657
2 0.375 43.87945 46.68235