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Example for App Script Send Emoji in Telegram

I'm trying to send an emoji to a ChatBot, taking inspiration from the emoji code table that I found on the page

But I have the problem that when I send the message the code is read as a string...

Can you please have an example of how to write the string in such a way that it is recognized when it is passed to the following method:

function sendMessage(idChat, text)
   var date =
     method: "post",
     payload: {
       method: "sendMessage",
       chat_id: String(Chatid),
       text: text,
       parse_mode: "HTML",


   UrlFetchApp.fetch("" +
                       tokens +


sendMessage(idChat, "\xF0\x9F\x98\x81")


sendMessage(idChat, "uU0001F4A8")


sendMessage(idChat, "U+1f601")

the result was that the codes were only recognized as strings


  • I think it is better to use emoji itself instead of using the code. Like this:

    sendMessage(idChat, "😁")

    Using the actual emoji in the code makes it more readable and straightforward. And also, using Unicode codes (like U+1f601) might not be interpreted as emojis by telegram.