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Inject A Spring bean into AspectJ with additional pointcuts

I have a spring boot project which already uses Spring AOP. For a new feature there is requirement to use cflow pointcut, hence AspectJ has to be integrated.

I am successfully able to Compile Time Weave aspect into my project and can see the aspect running. I know loadtime weaving should be used when the project has lombok but i manage to run it using the following blog.

Here is the plugin in pom.xml for compile time weaving.


The role of the aspect is to query a database with intercepted jointpoint. For this I am trying to inject the Spring bean annotated with @Repository into the aspect. As aspect is not a spring component I can not @Autowire repository in aspect class.

Repository Class

public interface SampleRepository extends JpaRepository<Sample, String> {

Aspect Class

public class SampleAspect {

Code already tried is

  1. Making the aspect a spring component using @Configurable annotation over Aspect . Not working.
public class SampleAspect {
  1. Creating a bean of Aspect using aspectOf function and setting the repository bean in it. Not working.
    public SampleAspect sampleAspect(){
        SampleAspect sampleAspect = Aspects.aspectOf(SampleAspect.class);
        return sampleAspect;

In both of the above steps I am getting the error unsupported jointpoint cflow.

Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is contains unsupported pointcut primitive 'cflow'

Am I missing something here ? I need to inject a bean into plain old aspectj.


  • Making the POJO class you want to @Autowire a dependency into @Configurable is correct, also if that class happens to be a native AspectJ aspect. Making the native aspect a @Bean or a @Component is, however, a wrong and counter-productive approach, because that registers the aspect a second time as a Spring AOP aspect, which also explains the UnsupportedPointcutPrimitiveException ... cflow problem.

    Missing in this picture is the information that for @Configurable, to work, you need AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect from spring-aspects on the classpath. This is true both for the load-time and compile-time weaving scenarios. I.e., you want something like this in your POM:


    In the AspectJ Maven Plugin configuration, you then also need to declare spring-aspects as an aspect library:


    For more details, see this related answer.

    Slightly off topic: I find the approach to use Maven Compiler and AspectJ Maven within a single module in subsequent phases, working on the same output directory, questionable, even though in your case it seems to work. I recommend to build an unwoven module version with Maven Compiler and Lombok in module A and then in module B weave aspects into the classes from A. All other modules should depend on B and not the intermediary A. In order to avoid A to be a transitive dependency, having the same classes in two different versions on the classpath, probably it makes sense to give A provided scope when declaring it a dependency of B.