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Vuetify: Global configuration doesn't apply to buttons inside card actions area

The example given at

  defaults: {
    VCard: {
      VBtn: { variant: 'outlined' },

Seems to only apply to v-buttons in a card when not in the card actions area (the primary area where buttons generally are on a card..). Does anyone know how to form the global configuration to affect buttons in the actions template slot?

I tried the example and found that the global configuration worked with buttons inside card text area, but when moving the button into the actions area the global configuration was lost.


    <v-btn>Test</v-btn>  <!-- Has 'outlined' variant -->
    <v-btn>Test2</v-btn>  <!-- Does NOT have 'outlined' variant -->


  • Vuetify uses the contextual defaults mechanism internally to set variant="text" on <v-btn> inside <v-card-actions> (see documentation). This will override settings on <v-card>.

    You'll have to override the settings for <v-card-actions> seperately:

    export const vuetify = createVuetify({
      defaults: {
        VCard: {
          VBtn: { variant: 'outlined' },
        VCardActions: {
          VBtn: { variant: 'outlined' },

    Here it is in a playground