I am attempting to create a function that standardizes a label column for a given ID for a given criteria.
I would like to standardize the label based on the most commonly used label for that ID, and if there is no common/majority label, then just take the first observation as the default standard.
The function I have so far is below:
def standardize_labels(df, id_col, label_col):
# Function to find the most common label or the first one if there's a tie
def most_common_label(group):
labels = group[label_col].value_counts()
# Check if the top two labels have the same count
if len(labels) > 1 and labels.iloc[0] == labels.iloc[1]:
return group[label_col].iloc[0]
return labels.idxmax()
# Group by the ID column and apply the most_common_label function
common_labels = df.groupby(id_col).apply(most_common_label)
# Map the IDs in the original DataFrame to their common labels
df['standardized_label'] = df[id_col].map(common_labels)
return df
It mostly works, however a quirk I've noticed with some where there is an shift in the trend in the labels, the labels then change per a given ID like this:
ID | raw_label | standardized_label |
222 | LA Metro | LA Metro |
222 | LA Metro | LA Metro |
222 | Los Angeles Metro | Los Angeles Metro |
222 | LA Metro | Los Angeles Metro |
222 | Los Angeles Metro | Los Angeles Metro |
When instead the output I'm hoping for all the standardized_label to just be LA Metro since that is the majority label per that ID.
The code works as expected for me. However, you can use mode
to make it easier to read. Also you can transform a function in groupby as well to assign directly to a column, which then would make your entire operation into a single line of code.
df['standardized_label'] = df.groupby('ID')['raw_label'].transform(lambda x: x.mode()[0])
Or you can use groupby.apply
and map it as well. Anyway, the function would look like:
def standardize_labels(df, id_col, label_col):
# Function to find the most common label or the first one if there's a tie
def most_common_label(group):
return group.mode()[0]
# Group by the ID column and apply the most_common_label function
common_labels = df.groupby(id_col)[label_col].apply(most_common_label)
# Map the IDs in the original DataFrame to their common labels
df['standardized_label'] = df[id_col].map(common_labels)
return df
Since value_counts()
works on a dataframe, we can use it directly without the groupby. So the function could be changed to the following. This is a refactoring of a function I wrote for a different question.
def standardize_labels(df, id_col, label_col):
# Group by the ID column and apply the most_common_label function
labels_counts = df.value_counts([id_col, label_col])
dup_idx_msk = ~labels_counts.droplevel(label_col).index.duplicated()
common_labels = labels_counts[dup_idx_msk]
common_labels = common_labels.reset_index(level=1)[label_col]
# Map the IDs in the original DataFrame to their common labels
df['standardized_label'] = df[id_col].map(common_labels)
return df
df = standardize_labels(df, 'ID', 'raw_label')