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Is it possible to filter arrays without filtering inside jsonb in postgres?

I was wondering if it is possible to filter array inside jsonb without filtering the whole table or unnesting it?

Say I have a table:

id jsnob
1 {"names":["anna", "peter", "armin"]}
2 {"names":["anna"]}
3 {"names":["peter"]}

I want to have the same table, but so that names are filtered, to only names starting from "a":

id jsnob
1 {"names":["anna", "armin"]}
2 {"names":["anna"]}
3 {"names":null}

I implemented it with unnest ( jsonb_array_elements), and then group by back to json, but it is quite slow. I was wondering if there is a faster way?


  • You can do it record by record using a scalar subquery w/o need to flatten the whole table and then re-group. Here is an update example.

    update the_table 
    set "jsonb" = jsonb_set("jsonb", '{names}',
      (select jsonb_agg(e) from jsonb_array_elements_text("jsonb"->'names') e where e ~* '^a')

    DB Fiddle

    Note The above does not guarantee that the order of the array elements is retained. To be strict use the scalar subquery below.

     select jsonb_agg(e ORDER BY i) 
     from jsonb_array_elements_text("jsonb"->'names') WITH ORDINALITY t(e, i)
     where e ~* '^a'