Let's say I have two datasets (in actuality, I have 6) that are pulled in as a list, and I run a series of functions on them, and then I need exported these as separate excel files, naming them by a subset of their filenames. Before exporting them, I want to add two lines of text, like "Report" and "Quarter." How do I do this? I've provided a screen shot of the template for what I want to do.
I'm getting the error that Error in if (file.exists(file) & !overwrite) { : the condition has length > 1
But there is also a problem even before that, where the output of the second lapply statement lapply(output_data, name_file
will just output a list of 0's. So the issues kind of seem two fold and there is clearly something I am doing wrong.
res <- list(mtcars, iris)
names(res) <- c('mtcars', 'iris')
some_fun = function(dat, vars){
summarize(count = n())
name_file = function(dat, file_name){
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, 'raw')
writeData(wb, 'raw', "CAR SALES REPORT:", startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
writeData(wb, 'raw', dat, startCol = 1, startRow = 3)
addWorksheet(wb, 'processed')
writeData(wb, 'processed', "CAR SALES REPORT:")
writeData(wb, 'processed', dat, startCol = 1, startRow = 3)
saveWorkbook(wb, file = paste0(file_name, '.xlsx'), overwrite = TRUE)
output_data = lapply(res, some_fun, 1)
lapply(output_data, name_file, names(res))
This goes beyond my first question, but let's say I actually have two separate outputs from some_fun, so it is actually
some_fun = function(dat, vars){
dat1 <- dat%>%
summarize(count = n())
dat2 <- dat%>%
mutate(count = n())
How would I then insert the output from a list of dat1 into the raw excel sheet and the output from the list of dat2 into the processed excel sheet, below:
name_file = function(dat, file_name){
wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb, 'raw')
writeData(wb, 'raw', "CAR SALES REPORT:", startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
writeData(wb, 'raw', dat1, startCol = 1, startRow = 3)
addWorksheet(wb, 'processed')
writeData(wb, 'processed', "CAR SALES REPORT:", startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
writeData(wb, 'processed', dat2, startCol = 1, startRow = 3)
saveWorkbook(wb, file = paste0(file_name, '.xlsx'), overwrite = TRUE)
In your updated code above you have two lists you must join. I've used mapply(SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
, but there are other ways to do this.
# don't pollute any folder
tmp <- paste0(tempdir(), "/fun_with_lists")
if (dir.exists(tmp)) unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)
# create lists
res <- list(mtcars, iris)
names(res) <- c("mtcars", "iris")
# aggregate function
some_fun <- function(dat, vars) {
dat %>%
dplyr::group_by("vars") %>%
dplyr::summarize(count = dplyr::n())
# xlsx output function
name_file <- function(dat) {
raw <- dat[["raw"]]
processed <- dat[["processed"]]
# raw worksheet
add_data(dims = "A1", x = "CAR SALES REPORT:")$
add_data_table(dims = wb_dims(x = raw, from_row = 3), x = raw,
with_filter = FALSE)$
add_named_style(name = "Title")$
# processed worksheet
add_data(dims = "A1", x = "CAR SALES REPORT:")$
add_data(dims = wb_dims(x = processed, from_row = 3), x = processed)$
add_named_style(name = "Title")$
# write file
save(file = paste0(dat[["name"]], ".xlsx"))
output_data <- lapply(res, some_fun)
# assign output list
res2 <- mapply(
x = res, y = output_data, z = names(res),
function(x, y, z) {
list(raw = x, processed = y, name = z)
# create output
lapply(res2, name_file) %>%
# check output
if (interactive()) xl_open(dir()[[1]])