I have a Dynamodb table enabled stream to a lambda function. I have configured Concurrent batches per shard
to be 1 which I expect the maximum concurrency of my lambda is only 1. But when monitoring the lambda metrics, I see there are multiple lambda instance running at the same time.
My question is that how Concurrent batches per shard
relate to a lambda concurrency?
Does one shard include all records relate to the same partition key?
My other configuration looks like:
If one shard includes update records from the same partition key, then if I configure more than 1 concurrencies per shard, does it mean multiple lambda invocations includes records from the same partition key? If yes, how does it handle processing records in order?
For example, I have 10 updates on the same record in a Dynamodb table at the same time. If there are more than 1 concurrencies per shard, will the 10 updates come to different lambda invocation via stream?
Does the shard also have anything to do with sort key?
You have multiple invocations as you have multiple shards in the stream. Stream shards are tightly bound to DynamoDB partitions and therefore also bound to Lambda invocations.
DynamoDB Partitions : Stream shards : Lambda invocations
1 : 1 : 1
Therefore even with a concurrency of 1 per shard, you will still have n
invocations or the lambda, where n = no of partitions/shards