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How to display image duplicate count from prompt in HTML

I want to display a certain amount of duplicates for 2 seperate images. The web page prompts the user for the speed, which i have done, and for how many duplicates of each image they want.

function show_image() {
  var img = document.createElement("img");
  var img2 = document.createElement("img");
  img.src = "map.png";
  img2.src = "figure-front.png";
  setTimeout("show_image()", speed);
  max = 0;
  if (max = count) {

<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>JavaScript Slide Show</title>
  <script src="ShowImages3.js"></script>
    var speed = prompt("Type how fast you want to duplicate", " ");
    var count = prompt("Type how many image of each you want to duplicate", " ");

<body onLoad="show_image()">



However as you can see it runs infinitely apparently


  • You needed to move the setTimeout and use == or === for comparison. = is assignment

    It is not recommended to use body onload for anything. Instead use an eventListener.

    Here is a cleaner version using setInterval. Also I use >= for the test

    And I assign an empty string to the speed and prompt values so I can test using if (speed && prompt) after converting to number using the unary plus. I did not add testing for other than numbers and empty string by the way.

    let count = 0, cnt = 0, tId;
    const show_image = () => {
      if (cnt >= count) {
        clearInterval(tId); // stop
      const img = document.createElement("img");
      const img2 = document.createElement("img");
      img.src = "map.png";
      img2.src = "figure-front.png";
      cnt++; // next
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
      let speed = +prompt("Type how fast you want to duplicate", "");
      count = +prompt("Type how many image of each you want to duplicate", "");
      if (speed && prompt) tId = setInterval(show_image, speed)

    Or have this which encapsulates the variables

    const generate = (count, speed) => {
      let cnt = 0;
      let tId;
      const addImages = () => {
        if (cnt >= count) {
          clearInterval(tId); // stop
        const img = document.createElement("img");
        const img2 = document.createElement("img");
        img.src = "map.png";
        img2.src = "figure-front.png";
        cnt++; // next
      tId = setInterval(addImages, speed);
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
      let speed = +prompt("Type how fast you want to duplicate", "");
      let count = +prompt("Type how many image of each you want to duplicate", "");
      if (speed && count) {
        generate(count, speed);