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Expression Multivariable CAGR in Qlik Sense

I have table

Years    flag_new            total_amt           count_cust
2016      new                     20000                  1500
2016      exs                     30000                  1600
2017      new                     18000                  1400
2017      exs                     60000                  3100
2018      new                     21000                  2000
2018      exs                     90000                  4500
2019      new                     20500                  1500
2019      exs                     130000                 6500

I want to calculate CAGR of total_amt in Qlik Sense.

When I choose the filter pane two years, 2018 and 2016, then calculate ((60000+18000)/(30000+20000))^(1/(2018-2016))-1

When I choose only one year then set the lower year to 2016. For example: I choose in the filter pane 2019, then calculate CAGR 2016 to 2019.

And I want to able filter by flag_new too.

Can anyone show how to do the expression in Qlik Sense?


  • Loading the data in the data load editor:

    Load * 
    Inline [
    Years, flag_new, total_amt, count_cust
    2016, new, 20000, 1500
    2016, exs, 30000, 1600
    2017, new, 18000, 1400
    2017, exs, 60000, 3100
    2018, new, 21000, 2000
    2018, exs, 90000, 4500
    2019, new, 20500, 1500

    And using this formula in the chart, e.g. KPI chart,..

    If(GetSelectedCount(Years) = 1,
    Pow(Sum({<Years={"$(=Max(Years))"}>} total_amt)/Sum({<Years={"$(=Min(All Years))"}>} total_amt), 1/(Max(Years) - Min({<Years>} Years) + 1) - 1),
    Pow(Sum({<Years={"$(=Max(Years))"}>} total_amt)/Sum({<Years={"$(=Min(Years))"}>} total_amt), 1/(Max(Years) - Min(Years) + 1) - 1))

    should work for you.

    It's a bit clunky due to the two different cases of always taking 2016 as Min(Years) when there is just one year selected, and taking Max and Min inside a selection when more than one year is selected.