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Android Firebase Storage: getFile() fails and creates a file of 0 bytes

I am using Firebase APIs on Android (SDK 34) to download files from my storage bucket to my shared Download folder. However, when I call StorageReference.getFile(Uri uri), it fails after creating a 0 byte file. However, if I use getBytes and write the bytes to the file myself, it works fine.

Here's the code that does not work:

// This does not. See the exception details below
public void download(String remotePath, Uri localUri) {
  StorageReference fileRef = storageRef.child(remotePath);
      error -> {

The error message and stack trace:

error = {StorageException@26984} " An unknown error occurred, please check the HTTP result code and inner exception for server response."
 cause = {IOException@26987} " No such file or directory"
  backtrace = null
  cause = {IOException@26987} " No such file or directory"
   backtrace = null
   cause = {IOException@26987} " No such file or directory"
   detailMessage = "No such file or directory"
   stackTrace = {StackTraceElement[14]@26998} 
    0 = {StackTraceElement@27003} " Method)"
    1 = {StackTraceElement@27004} ""
    2 = {StackTraceElement@27005} ""
    3 = {StackTraceElement@27006} ""
    4 = {StackTraceElement@27007} ""
    5 = {StackTraceElement@27008} "$getRunnable$7$com-google-firebase-storage-StorageTask("
    6 = {StackTraceElement@27009} "$$ Source:2)"
    7 = {StackTraceElement@27010} "$decorate$0$com-google-firebase-concurrent-LimitedConcurrencyExecutor("
    8 = {StackTraceElement@27011} "$$ Source:4)"
    9 = {StackTraceElement@27012} "java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker("
    10 = {StackTraceElement@27013} "java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$"
    11 = {StackTraceElement@27014} "$newThread$0$com-google-firebase-concurrent-CustomThreadFactory("
    12 = {StackTraceElement@27015} "$$ Source:4)"
    13 = {StackTraceElement@27016} ""

However, this code works:

public void download(String remotePath, Uri localUri) {
  StorageReference fileRef = storageRef.child(remotePath);
      .getBytes(1024 * 1024 * 16)
          result -> {
            try {
              ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
              OutputStream stream = resolver.openOutputStream(localUri);
            } catch (Exception e) {

And this is how I came created the localUri:

ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
String fileName = UUID.randomUUID().toString().toUpperCase();
Uri imagesUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL_PRIMARY);

ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, fileName);
values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, "image/png");

Uri localUri = resolver.insert(imagesUri, values);

Any ideas what's going wrong here? Thanks!


  • fileRef.getFile(uri) attempts to download a remote file from Storage to the local file URI that was passed to it. It must be a specific file path, as the documentation states (emphasis mine):

    Asynchronously downloads the object at this StorageReference to a specified system filepath.

    @NonNull Uri destinationUri
    A file system URI representing the path the object should be downloaded to.

    But you passed it a URI to a ContentProvider, and that's not supported. The SDK won't try to download the file and put it in the ContentProvider. The URI must identify a file. It's probably easier for you to just pass a File parameter instead, and make sure it's pointing to a location that's writable by the app, such as one of its internal storage locations.