I have a eventbridge.tf
where I am using the cron_schedule_info
variable data from my env.tfvars
, currently which is kind of hardcoded like this for different environments.
variable "cron_schedule_info" {
type = map(list(object({
property_id = string
schedule_expression = string
cron_schedule_info = {
AAA = [
property_id = "property1",
schedule_expression = "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
property_id = "property2",
schedule_expression = "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
property_id = "property100",
schedule_expression = "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
BBB = [
property_id = "property1",
schedule_expression = "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
locals {
rule_list = flatten([
for i, p in var.cron_schedule_info : [
for index, data in p :
merge(data, {
"i" = i
rule = {
for index, rule in local.rule_list :
"prule_${rule.i}_${index}" => {
description = "Trigger cron"
schedule_expression = rule.schedule_expression
My current system works fine as expected where I have defined a terraform variable with map type and I add manually EventBridge rule in infrastructure definitions by hardcodeding the value everytime I introduce a new item like above cron_schedule_info
. Now I am planning to store this information in some sort of datastore, and have such EventBridge rules be generated dynamically accordingly at Terraform 'apply' or 'plan' time.
So my initial thought is I wll store the above data as a table where I can add, update, delete. My table structure will be like this-
id | integration_type | property_id | schedule_expression | cron_type | active
1 | AAA | property1 | cron(0 * * * ? *) | type1 | false
2 | AAA | property2 | cron(5 * * * ? *) | type2 | true
3 | AAA | property20 | cron(55 * * * ? *) | type3 | true
4 | BBB | property1 | cron(0 * * * ? *) | type1 | true
This will give me flexiblity to change my cron information any time regardless to change on my terraform env.tfvars
, then at the time of terraform apply or plan I will get my cron_schedule_info as json response from an api endpoint that I will build further.
"cron_schedule_info": {
"AAA": [
"property_id": "property1",
"schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
"property_id": "property2",
"schedule_expression": "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
"property_id": "property100",
"schedule_expression": "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
"BBB": [
"property_id": "property1",
"schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
So I am planing to use terraform http data source for this problem, ref: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-http/blob/main/docs/data-sources/http.md in that way I can fetch the api response from my endpoint for the terraform 'plan' or 'apply'.
Yes you are approach is correct.
"If the API response has the same structure as your 'cron_schedule_info' variable." then you can replace your local map interaction var.cron_schedule_info by data.http.cron_schedule_info as the next example:
data "http" "cron_schedule_info" {
url = "https://cron_schedule_info-api/v1/"
# Optional request headers
request_headers = {
Accept = "application/json"
"cron_schedule_info": {
"AAA": [
"property_id": "property1",
"schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
"property_id": "property2",
"schedule_expression": "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
"property_id": "property100",
"schedule_expression": "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
"BBB": [
"property_id": "property1",
"schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
locals {
rule_list = flatten([
for i, p in data.http.cron_schedule_info : [
for index, data in p :
merge(data, {
"i" = i
rule = {
for index, rule in local.rule_list :
"prule_${rule.i}_${index}" => {
description = "Trigger cron"
schedule_expression = rule.schedule_expression