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Terraform http datasource to generate dynamic variables at terraform plan and apply

I have a where I am using the cron_schedule_info variable data from my env.tfvars, currently which is kind of hardcoded like this for different environments.

variable "cron_schedule_info" {
  type = map(list(object({
    property_id         = string
    schedule_expression = string


cron_schedule_info = {
  AAA = [
      property_id         = "property1",
      schedule_expression = "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
      property_id         = "property2",
      schedule_expression = "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
      property_id         = "property100",
      schedule_expression = "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
  BBB = [
      property_id         = "property1",
      schedule_expression = "cron(0 * * * ? *)"

locals {
  rule_list = flatten([
    for i, p in var.cron_schedule_info : [
      for index, data in p :
      merge(data, {
        "i" = i

  rule = {
    for index, rule in local.rule_list :
    "prule_${rule.i}_${index}" => {
      description         = "Trigger cron"
      schedule_expression = rule.schedule_expression

My current system works fine as expected where I have defined a terraform variable with map type and I add manually EventBridge rule in infrastructure definitions by hardcodeding the value everytime I introduce a new item like above cron_schedule_info. Now I am planning to store this information in some sort of datastore, and have such EventBridge rules be generated dynamically accordingly at Terraform 'apply' or 'plan' time.

So my initial thought is I wll store the above data as a table where I can add, update, delete. My table structure will be like this-

 id | integration_type | property_id |   schedule_expression   | cron_type | active
  1 | AAA               | property1   | cron(0 * * * ? *)       | type1    | false
  2 | AAA               | property2   | cron(5 * * * ? *)       | type2    | true
  3 | AAA               | property20  | cron(55 * * * ? *)      | type3    | true
  4 | BBB               | property1   | cron(0 * * * ? *)       | type1    | true

This will give me flexiblity to change my cron information any time regardless to change on my terraform env.tfvars, then at the time of terraform apply or plan I will get my cron_schedule_info as json response from an api endpoint that I will build further.

assumed json response

  "cron_schedule_info": {
    "AAA": [
        "property_id": "property1",
        "schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
        "property_id": "property2",
        "schedule_expression": "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
        "property_id": "property100",
        "schedule_expression": "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
    "BBB": [
        "property_id": "property1",
        "schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"

So I am planing to use terraform http data source for this problem, ref: in that way I can fetch the api response from my endpoint for the terraform 'plan' or 'apply'.

  • Q1. Is my approach is correct or any other better solution exists for this types of problem?
  • Q2. If I use api endpoint for the remote data source in terraform http datasource, how can I further convert or use that response in my existing code e.g how to process or how to modify my existing code.


  • Q1.Response:

    Yes you are approach is correct.


    "If the API response has the same structure as your 'cron_schedule_info' variable." then you can replace your local map interaction var.cron_schedule_info by data.http.cron_schedule_info as the next example:

    ---------- data source

    data "http" "cron_schedule_info" {
      url = "https://cron_schedule_info-api/v1/"
      # Optional request headers
      request_headers = {
        Accept = "application/json"

    response example as you expect

      "cron_schedule_info": {
        "AAA": [
            "property_id": "property1",
            "schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"
            "property_id": "property2",
            "schedule_expression": "cron(5 * * * ? *)"
            "property_id": "property100",
            "schedule_expression": "cron(55 * * * ? *)"
        "BBB": [
            "property_id": "property1",
            "schedule_expression": "cron(0 * * * ? *)"

    -------------------- locals

    locals {
      rule_list = flatten([
        for i, p in data.http.cron_schedule_info : [
          for index, data in p :
          merge(data, {
            "i" = i
      rule = {
        for index, rule in local.rule_list :
        "prule_${rule.i}_${index}" => {
          description         = "Trigger cron"
          schedule_expression = rule.schedule_expression