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script to automatically update blockips table in nftable

I want to write a sh script in order to update my nftable badips:

table inet my_table {
        set badips {
                type ipv4_addr
                flags interval
                elements = {,, ... }

        chain my_input {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
                iifname "lo" accept comment "Accept anything from lo interface"
                ct state vmap { invalid : drop, established : accept, related : accept }
                tcp dport { 80, 8443 } ct state new limit rate 10/second accept comment "[nftables] Allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic but limit them to 10 new connections per second"
                ip saddr @badips drop comment "[nftables] Block ban IP"
                log prefix "[nftables log] " flags all

I want to download several firehol IP lists after some time and add to my badips:

nft add element inet my_table badips { <IP> }

How can I do that?


  • This one-liner should work:

    grep -v "^#" IPlist.txt | while read addr ; \
    do nft add element inet my_table badips { ${addr} } ; done

    Replace IPlist.txt with the name of the list you downloaded.

    If the list contains subnets you may need to remove '/32' from ipv4 ranges because nftables can't handle it (checked on v1.0.2 and older):

    grep -v "^#" IPlist.txt | while read addr ; \
    do grep -qs ':' <<<"${addr}" || addr=$(sed 's/\/32$//' <<<"${addr}") ; \
    nft add element inet my_table badips { ${addr} } ; done