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Where can i get the xctk:DecimalUpDown xaml so that i can Customize the way i want it?

In my WPF C# project i wanted to use the DecimalUpDown control but it doesn't have the same feel and look as my other controls in the UserControl because i am Using MaterialDesignThemes in MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit. Now what i wanted is to Customize the TextBox part of the DecimalUpDown of the ExtendedWPFToolkit and the Button Part so that they look like materialDesignFloatingHintTextBox and one of the MaterialDesignButton styles respectively. I tried that but can't find anywhere to start like the Source Code etc


  • I tried that but can't find anywhere to start like the Source Code etc

    The source code for the DecimalUpDown control is available on GitHub.

    Here you will also find the default template that you can customize however you want.