I am writing a test of an error condition, checking that it occurs and is handled. I don't want the test output to be spammed with error messages for errors that have been deliberately provoked and handled. Structlog is being used for all the logging.
How can I temporarily suppress all log output for a block of text, so that logging resumes normally afterwards?
The simplest approach is to use structlog's capture_logs
context manager, which suppresses logging as a side-effect. You can disregard the captured content.
You can wrap it in another context manager with a more explicit name, like this:
from contextlib import contextmanager
from structlog.testing import capture_logs
def suppress_logging():
with capture_logs():
Then, you can use it in your test code:
with suppress_logging():
make_error_happen() # no log output
make_error_happen() # log output active again