We have two databases: Employees and Sales.
When I open a brand new query editor and run the following script, I get my user (MyDomain\Bob.Smith), which is correct. This user has access to both databases.
select SUSER_SNAME() as user, original_login() as original
user original
MyDomain\Bob.Smith MyDomain\Bob.Smith
I also created user TempUser that only has access to DB Sales.
If I run the following query, I naturally get the error:
The server principal "TempUser" is not able to access the DB "Employees" under the current security context.
EXECUTE AS USER = 'MyDomain\Bob.Smith';
select top 10* From Employees.dbo.NewEmployees
select top 10* From Employees.dbo.NewEmployees
But if I try to run EXECUTE AS USER = 'MyDomain\Bob.Smith'
to go back to the original login, I will get error:
Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "MyDomain\Bob.Smith" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
I have an idea of why this is happening, but just wanted to check with you guys.
So my two questions:
Why am I getting the second error? I know I changed to a user with fewer privileges, but the original_Login is still MyDomain\Bob.Smith
How can I go back to my original login so that I can query Employees? The SUSER_SNAME() is 'TempUser'
In order to go back to your original user, you run:
That is the only way. Until you run it, your original permissions do not matter, and TempUser does not have permission to impersonate Bob.