I use AWS CloudFront Distribution with Lambda@Edge
viewer-request set S3 number 1 or S3 number 2 (random). In my S3, I have an Angular app. My cloudfront redirect to index.html and my angular router redirect to https://----cloufront-url----/account/login This case work.
But my problem is if I use directly https://----cloufront-url----/account/login
I have AWS 403 error page
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
I find lot of pepole with same problem and I add 403 configuration to my cloudfront (redirect to index.html), but in my case I have Lambda@Edge so the cas is different.
My cloudFront behavior configuration:
path pattern: Default (*)
I try follow this https://medium.com/@peatiscoding/here-is-how-easy-it-is-to-deploy-an-angular-spa-single-page-app-as-a-static-website-using-s3-and-6aa446db38ef
work it without Lambda@Edge, but not with.
my error was on the version of the "viewer request" which goes up during deploy but which is not taken into account in the "Behaviors" configuration of the cloudFront distribution