I need to get a list of vertex types from the database that are subtypes to a supertype.
I.e. If I have a vertex structure that goes:
View -> Type1 -> Custom_Type_1
View -> Type1 -> Custom_Type_2
View -> Type2 -> Custom_Type_3
I want to be able to query....
"Get all type names that are subtypes to 'Type1'." So that it returns Custom_Type_1 and Custom_Type_2.
Note it is the type names I want, not the actual vertices of that type. I assume there must be a database metadata somewhere that could be queried but I can't find anything in the documentation to do this.
Am learning as ever.
You can query the schema and ask for the types with parent type equals to Type1:
select name from schema:types where 'Type1' IN parentTypes