In MudDialog
, I want to set the MudButton
in DialogActions
to the center with Justify Content.
It works when I use developer tools in chorme, but how can I set this style in my code.
I want the MudButton
to be positioned in the middle.
All the CSS classes that you want to apply to <DialogActions>
container should be placed in the ClassActions
attribute of MudDialog
Here in this example, I add the justify-center
CSS utility class to the ClassActions
attribute which centres the button in DialogActions
<MudDialog @bind-IsVisible="visible" Options="dialogOptions" ClassActions="justify-center">
<MudText Typo="Typo.h6">
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Edit" Class="mr-3" /> Edit rating
<p>How awesome are inline dialogs?</p>
<MudRating @bind-SelectedValue="rating" Class="mt-3" />
<MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="Submit" Class="px-10">Close</MudButton>