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In graphql what is difference between a `type query` and `extend type query`?

In graphql what is difference between a type query and extend type query?

Ex: difference between

type Query {
    product(id: String!): Product


extend type Query {
    DeviceDetail(devId: String!): DeviceDetail

Will appreciate if you could add an example for your explanation.


  • Object extension is supported by the GraphQL spec as a way to add new properties to an existing type.

    In this case, you will find extend type Query in some schemas as a way to "modularize" a schema, for example:

    in schema.graphqls:

    type Query {
      greeting: String

    in book.graphqls:

    extend type Query {
      bookById(id: ID!): Book
    type Book {
      id: ID!
      title: String!
      author: Author
    type Author {
      name: String

    Without this, you would need to either declare all queries in the same schema file, or you would get an error when GraphQL parses the schema files as the Query type is defined several times.

    Other apps use "namespacing" as a way to better organize the schema and avoid flattening all queries under the same type.