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Check if two ranges overlap in ruby

I know that I can do:

=> true

But when I try to do the same with another range it always returns false:

=> false

So my question is - is there any elegant way to compare two ranges in ruby? In my case I want to check if two DateTime-ranges overlap. Thanks in advance.


  • There is Range#overlap? In Ruby 3.3+

    It returns true if ranges overlap each other, otherwise false

    It works with different kinds of ranges:

    # => true
    # => true

    It returns false when begin > end:

    # => false

    It returns false when try to check incomparable kinds of ranges:

    # => false

    It works with exclusive ranges:

    # => false
    # => false

    It works with endless and beginless ranges:

    # => true
    # => false

    It raises error when try to pass not range

    # raise TypeError (expected Range)