proc selProc {str offset count} {
return [string range $str $offset [expr {$offset + $count -1}]]
set myVar Hello
selection handle -selection . [list selproc $myVar]
selection own .
tool > source ./proc_selPorc.tcl
And paste it into vi-editor using middle-mousewheel click.
It worked well at first.
[vi aa.rpt]
However, when I try as below, I still get "Hello" not "AAA".
set myVar AAA
selection handle . [list selproc $myVar]
selection own .
[vi aa.rpt]
Hello ;# <- not printed "AAA"
what should I do?
I tried many ways, but couldn't slove it.
selection clear ; selection get ; PRIMARY selectipn etc ...
Strangely it seems that the selection handler cannot be changed. Something keeps using the first command provided for a window. This looks like a bug to me. It does work if you explicitly remove the old handler first:
set myVar Hello
selection handle . [list selProc $myVar]
selection own .
selection handle . {}
set myVar AAA
selection handle . [list selProc $myVar]
selection own .
However, it may be better to use a different approach. Put the text you want to place on the clipboard in a global variable and have the handler pick that up:
proc selProc {offset count} {
global selection
return [string range $selection $offset [expr {$offset + $count -1}]]
set selection Hello
selection handle . selProc
selection own .
# Middle-click pastes "Hello"
set selection AAA
selection own .
# Middle click pastes "AAA"
Update: This is a bug. When a handler for the STRING type is installed, a copy of the handler is installed for the UTF8_STRING type. However, when the handler is changed, only the STRING version is updated. The UTF8_STRING version is left alone. Presumably that's the one picked up by the middle mouse-click.
Knowing this, another solution could be to specify the -type UTF8_STRING
set myVar Hello
selection handle -type UTF8_STRING . [list selProc $myVar]
set myVar AAA
selection handle -type UTF8_STRING . [list selProc $myVar]
I have created a bug report for this issue.