I have the following Vbscript code which currently splits a large text file into smaller files by filesize argument in MB:
Sub Split
Dim iFile, oFile, iStream, Data
Dim Ext, e, offset, length, NewName
Info (" ==> Splitting " & sFile & " by " & Size & "B files and saving to " & dPath)
if not oFSO.FileExists(sFile) then Error _
("Cannot locate the file """ & sFile & """")
Set iFile = oFSO.GetFile(sFile)
On Error Resume Next
Set iStream = iFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)
if err.number > 0 then Error("Cannot open the file """ & sFile _
& """" & LF & Err.Description)
On Error Goto 0
Data = iStream.Read(iFile.Size)
Ext = 0
offset = 1
Ext = Right("00" & Ext + 1, 3)
if ext > "999" then Error ("Too many files - maximum is 999!")
NewName = dPath & prefix & datetype & suffix & "_" & Ext & ".txt"
Info "Writing """ & NewName & """"
On Error Resume Next
' ---> Write file
Set oFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(NewName, 2)
if err.number > 0 then Error("Cannot open the file """ _
& NewName & """" & LF & Err.Description)
On Error Goto 0
length = Size
If length > Len(data)+1 - offset Then length = Len(data) + 1 - offset
oFile.Write Mid(Data, offset, length)
offset = offset + length
Loop Until offset >= Len(data)
End Sub
The above code works however, when the large file is split into smaller files it will split contents of the final line for each file too but I would like to retain all contents on the line and split at the end of the line as well as by current filesize function I have.
For example end of line (last line in smaller files) being as follows:
This is a test
The last line stored each each file my be cut and can look like the following:
This is a te
Is it possible to retain all contents on the line and split at the end of the line as well as by current filesize, if so how can I achieve this? Thanks
To split the file by size, and only split on line ends, can be achieved by shifting the end point of each chunk to the next CRLF. Here's your Split Sub with that enhancement.
Sub Split
Dim iFile, oFile, iStream, Data, TotalSize
Dim Ext, e, offset, length, NewName
Info (" ==> Splitting " & sFile & " by " & Size & "B files and saving to " & dPath)
if not oFSO.FileExists(sFile) then Error _
("Cannot locate the file """ & sFile & """")
Set iFile = oFSO.GetFile(sFile)
On Error Resume Next
Set iStream = iFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)
if err.number > 0 then Error("Cannot open the file """ & sFile _
& """" & LF & Err.Description)
On Error Goto 0
Data = iStream.Read(iFile.Size)
TotalSize = Len(Data)
Ext = 0
offset = 1
Ext = Right("00" & Ext + 1, 3)
if ext > "999" then Error ("Too many files - maximum is 999!")
NewName = dPath & prefix & datetype & suffix & "_" & Ext & ".txt"
Info "Writing """ & NewName & """"
On Error Resume Next
' ---> Write file
Set oFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(NewName, 2)
if err.number > 0 then Error("Cannot open the file """ _
& NewName & """" & LF & Err.Description)
On Error Goto 0
length = Size
If length > TotalSize+1 - offset Then length = TotalSize + 1 - offset
'Shift the end point to the next CRLF
Do While Mid(Data, offset+length, 2)<>VBCRLF And offset+length<TotalSize
length = length + 1
If Mid(Data, offset+length, 2)=VBCRLF Then length = length + 2
oFile.Write Mid(Data, offset, length)
offset = offset + length
Loop Until offset >= TotalSize
End Sub