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powershell New-AzAppServicePlan

im trying to configure a powershell script to deploy new-azAppServicePlan with zone redundancy, which Im failiing to get right. it can be done in cli but i cannot figure it out using powershell.

##Part 1 - Create a new Linux App Service Plan

$ResourceGroupName = "-sandbox-ASE"
$ServicePlanName = "-service-plan01"
$location = "southafricanorth"

New-AzAppServicePlan `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $ServicePlanName `
-Location $location `
--Tier "PremiumV3" `
-NumberofWorkers 1 `
-WorkerSize "Small" `
-Linux `
-ZoneRedundant $true

ive tried: -ZoneRedundant $true and -Zone 1, 2, 3


  • In the above cmdlet you are passing the Tier property with --Tier instead of -Tier which is not supported.

    Also, if you want to deploy app service plan with zone redundant you need to use the AzCLI cmdlet az appservice plan create cmdlet which has --zone-redundant property.

    Refer to this documentation for more information about cmdlet supported properties