I am trying to use cppyy in python to invoke a C++ library. The header file provided is like:
typedef void MYMODEL;
namespace MY
API MYMODEL* createModel(char *path);
API int process(MYMODEL* model);
API int destroyModel(MYMODEL* &model);
I have had success with the first two calls:
m = cppyy.gbl.MY.createModel(model_path)
but when I tried the last call (destroyModel), it is coming up with
TypeError: int MY::destroyModel(MYMODEL*& model) =>
TypeError: could not convert argument 1
if I print m just before that, it is:
<cppyy.LowLevelView object at 0x000001E3F233F5B0>
I've tried a number of other things, like using cppyy.gbl.MY.destroyModel(cppyy.addressof(m)) with and without byref, or trying to cast m to "MYMODEL*" prior to passing it to destroyModel, or modifying the header ref from (MYMODEL* &model) to (MYMODEL** model) without avail.
How should I pass the model back in for destroyModel in cppyy?
Is an oversight, to be fixed soon (bound low-level C code needs special-cases everywhere and some, clearly, fell through the cracks).
As a Q&D workaround, use any struct:
namespace MY { struct FakeModel { }; }""")
cppyy.gbl.MY.destroyModel(cppyy.bind_object(m, cppyy.gbl.MY.FakeModel))