I have created an Azure OpenAI Service and set a default system message. I want to create a chatbot by sending API calls to the endpoint and integrating it into an existing React App as a component.
My aim is to allow other team members to modify and fine tune the system message and examples. However, whenever I call the OpenAI Service through API Calls, I must always send the system message and examples with the request. It seems that the API responses disregard the system message unless I send it with the request.
I assumed that the default system message gets saved to the deployment and I would not have to send it on every request. Is there a way to configure the Azure OpenAI Service to always use the default system message that is configured in the Azure OpenAI Studio?
The current 'state of the art' does not support that, as it works on the basis of stateless interaction. What you can do is place a system prompt in a variable and include it in the OpenAI SDK call, or you can build a facade class around it. This makes it part of a class's default prompt, especially useful if you're leveraging it from multiple places, ensuring it's not 'forgotten'.