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DocuSign - EnvelopeViews : createSender How to hide "send later" button next to the "continue" button

I tried with createSenderView api to get a senderView

According to the api description above, I set sendButtonAction = redirect to change the button on the right down corner from "send" to "continue".

But I found there was still a inverted triangle button next to the "continue" button, and when hang over the button, it will show up "send later".

I just wondering whether there is a parameter that can help me hide that inverted triangle button.


  • Right now you can disable "Send Later" for your entire account so that this never shows for anyone. This may work for you if you just don't use/need this feature and don't want it to ever show.

    There's no feature right now that allows you to pick and choose when you want "Send Later" and when you don't. So it's all or nothing. If nothing works - you're good. If not - you may want so file an enhancement request with DocuSign.