I have a REST API in AWS API Gateway that fetches json files on S3 and returns them to API Gateway via a Lambda function. I've implemented pagination in Lambda and I only fetch 100 files at a time, and returns the S3 Continuation Token if it exists.
I've created a query parameter on API Gateway to send the continuation token to S3 for the subsequent calls, but API Gateway won't deliver it because if its format.
A valid S3 token:
and ''
in Postman, without luck.I map the continuation token from the url to the Lambda like this:
"continuationToken": "$input.params('continuationToken')",
Any suggestions on how to get the token correctly passed API Gateway?
You need to urlencode the token when passing it as a query string, otherwise =
will be treated as a parameter separator (subcomponent delimiter) as specified in RFC3986.
A properly encoded token would render the escaped =
as %3D
If the Lambda was written in JS, you could encode the token like this:
const continuationToken = encodeURIComponent("17kqE73kRqN1CZ8LJHWui7rlHD7+SHZgFRVQ5gVJAyF90msNxKgc6LiqRgMzGg5HfIJZP/Dc0Zenf8q7Az93KYtfkcRKtwQ6RL8P4cjGyjR0=")
// continuationToken is now 17kqE73kRqN1CZ8LJHWui7rlHD7%2BSHZgFRVQ5gVJAyF90msNxKgc6LiqRgMzGg5HfIJZP%2FDc0Zenf8q7Az93KYtfkcRKtwQ6RL8P4cjGyjR0%3D