Here is the code:
#if GetKeyState("Lalt", "P")
if GetKeyState("shift", "P")
send ^+{%A_ThisHotkey%}
Send ^{%A_ThisHotkey%}
in the code above, when I press Lalt+a it sends Ctrl+a which is expected, but when I press Lalt+Shift+a it only sends Shift+a, shouldn't it send Ctrl+Shift+a ?!. I also noticed that if I press the Shift key first before pressing on Lalt it sends Alt+Shift+a. It sounds to me like the Shift key trumps Alt or it gets sent to my machine before going through AH K.
tried to use the * modifier and {blind} with send, but still when I press Lalt+shift+a, it only sends Shift+a
AHK (and Windows) is very finicky with modifiers keys, so it's normal to have issues when working with them.
First thing is that when you press Shift
, the AHK hook changes from a::
to +a::
, as now another hot key combination is being pressed.
The other issue is that {%A_ThisHotkey%}
in the context of +a::
don't work as expected, returning +a
, it just seems to return nothing.
Finally, this would be the result:
#if GetKeyState("Lalt", "P")
Send ^{%A_ThisHotkey%}
Send ^%A_ThisHotkey%
For debuging, I used this env configurations:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.