How can I keep object definition with select, that has more object defined and keep variable from becoming "Any" type? Is it even possible?
I came up with this:
DB = DatabaseModel()
stmt = select(Item, Package).join(Package, Item.Package_id1 == Package.Package_id)
exec = DB.session.execute(stmt).all() # Sequence[Row[Tuple[Item, Package]]]
for row in exec:
row #Row[Tuple[Item, Package]]
Item_object : Item = row[0]
Package_object : Package = row[1]
This way I just define a value as Object, so I can keep the mapping. But is there a better (correct) way to do this? Without a need to create new variables?
So, I was able to come up with answer. I was not able to unpacked it, because this command:
exec = DB.session.execute(stmt).all()
# Returned type: Sequence[Row[Tuple[Item, Package]]]
And so in for loop I cant unpack typeof(Row) as I would typeof(tuple).
So correct way to unpack values would be this:
DB = DatabaseModel()
stmt = select(Item, Package).join(Package, Item.Package_id1 == Package.Package_id)
exec = DB.session.execute(stmt).tuples().all() # Sequence[Tuple[Item, Package]]]
for _item, _package in exec:
Adding .touples() in execute statements removes Row definition and only returns tuples.