Is there a way to insert a line break inside a code chunk in quarto?
While rendering with xelatex the content sometimes just gets over the line and is hidden.
Code chunk:
{r, result, results='asis'}
#create dataframe with results
result <- data.frame(Model=c("Logistic Reg.: Unscaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Unscaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters"),
Data=c("in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample"),
Accuracy= c(accuracy_log_train_unscaled,accuracy_log_test_unscaled,accuracy_log_train,accuracy_log_test,accuracy_ann_in,accuracy_ann_out,accuracy_ann_in_adj, accuracy_ann_out_adj)
newdata <- result[order(-result$Accuracy),]
The line Accuracy
just ignores the side margin.
Try chunk option:tidy: styler
, e.g. or this:
title: "Untitled"
format: pdf
result <- data.frame(Model=c("Logistic Reg.: Unscaled featuressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss",
"Logistic Reg.: Unscaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters"),
Data=c("in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample"))
```{r, tidy='styler'}
result <- data.frame(Model=c("Logistic Reg.: Unscaled featuressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss",
"Logistic Reg.: Unscaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"Logistic Reg.: Scaled features",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters",
"ANN & adjusted hyperparameters"),
Data=c("in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample","in sample","out of sample"))