Search code examples

adding multiple lines with candlestick in Apexcharts

i am following this demo example on Apexcharts official documentation

it works as it is but if duplicate the line series to display two line along it CandleStick. The Candlestick gets hidden, How can i add multiple line charts along with a Candlestick.

This is the code

<div><div id="stockPriceChart"></div></div>
                var options = {
                    series: [
                    name: '50MA',
                    type: 'line',
                    data: [
                        x: new Date(1538778600000),
                        y: 6610
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538782200000),
                        y: 6650
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538814600000),
                        y: 6641
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538884800000),
                        y: 6670
                    name: '100MA',
                    type: 'line',
                    data: [
                        x: new Date(1538778600000),
                        y: 6615
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538782200000),
                        y: 6600
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538814600000),
                        y: 6655
                        }, {
                        x: new Date(1538884800000),
                        y: 6645
                    name: 'candle',
                    type: 'candlestick',
                    data: [
                        x: new Date(1538778600000),
                        y: [6629.81, 6650.5, 6623.04, 6633.33]
                        x: new Date(1538780400000),
                        y: [6632.01, 6643.59, 6620, 6630.11]
                        x: new Date(1538782200000),
                        y: [6630.71, 6648.95, 6623.34, 6635.65]
                        x: new Date(1538784000000),
                        y: [6635.65, 6651, 6629.67, 6638.24]
                        x: new Date(1538785800000),
                        y: [6638.24, 6640, 6620, 6624.47]
                        x: new Date(1538787600000),
                        y: [6624.53, 6636.03, 6621.68, 6624.31]
                        x: new Date(1538789400000),
                        y: [6624.61, 6632.2, 6617, 6626.02]
                        x: new Date(1538791200000),
                        y: [6627, 6627.62, 6584.22, 6603.02]
                        x: new Date(1538793000000),
                        y: [6605, 6608.03, 6598.95, 6604.01]
                        x: new Date(1538794800000),
                        y: [6604.5, 6614.4, 6602.26, 6608.02]
                        x: new Date(1538796600000),
                        y: [6608.02, 6610.68, 6601.99, 6608.91]
                        x: new Date(1538798400000),
                        y: [6608.91, 6618.99, 6608.01, 6612]
                        x: new Date(1538800200000),
                        y: [6612, 6615.13, 6605.09, 6612]
                        x: new Date(1538802000000),
                        y: [6612, 6624.12, 6608.43, 6622.95]
                        x: new Date(1538803800000),
                        y: [6623.91, 6623.91, 6615, 6615.67]
                        x: new Date(1538805600000),
                        y: [6618.69, 6618.74, 6610, 6610.4]
                        x: new Date(1538807400000),
                        y: [6611, 6622.78, 6610.4, 6614.9]
                        x: new Date(1538809200000),
                        y: [6614.9, 6626.2, 6613.33, 6623.45]
                        x: new Date(1538811000000),
                        y: [6623.48, 6627, 6618.38, 6620.35]
                        x: new Date(1538812800000),
                        y: [6619.43, 6620.35, 6610.05, 6615.53]
                        x: new Date(1538814600000),
                        y: [6615.53, 6617.93, 6610, 6615.19]
                        x: new Date(1538816400000),
                        y: [6615.19, 6621.6, 6608.2, 6620]
                        x: new Date(1538818200000),
                        y: [6619.54, 6625.17, 6614.15, 6620]
                        x: new Date(1538820000000),
                        y: [6620.33, 6634.15, 6617.24, 6624.61]
                        x: new Date(1538821800000),
                        y: [6625.95, 6626, 6611.66, 6617.58]
                        x: new Date(1538823600000),
                        y: [6619, 6625.97, 6595.27, 6598.86]
                        x: new Date(1538825400000),
                        y: [6598.86, 6598.88, 6570, 6587.16]
                        x: new Date(1538827200000),
                        y: [6588.86, 6600, 6580, 6593.4]
                        x: new Date(1538829000000),
                        y: [6593.99, 6598.89, 6585, 6587.81]
                        x: new Date(1538830800000),
                        y: [6587.81, 6592.73, 6567.14, 6578]
                        x: new Date(1538832600000),
                        y: [6578.35, 6581.72, 6567.39, 6579]
                        x: new Date(1538834400000),
                        y: [6579.38, 6580.92, 6566.77, 6575.96]
                        x: new Date(1538836200000),
                        y: [6575.96, 6589, 6571.77, 6588.92]
                        x: new Date(1538838000000),
                        y: [6588.92, 6594, 6577.55, 6589.22]
                        x: new Date(1538839800000),
                        y: [6589.3, 6598.89, 6589.1, 6596.08]
                        x: new Date(1538841600000),
                        y: [6597.5, 6600, 6588.39, 6596.25]
                        x: new Date(1538843400000),
                        y: [6598.03, 6600, 6588.73, 6595.97]
                        x: new Date(1538845200000),
                        y: [6595.97, 6602.01, 6588.17, 6602]
                        x: new Date(1538847000000),
                        y: [6602, 6607, 6596.51, 6599.95]
                        x: new Date(1538848800000),
                        y: [6600.63, 6601.21, 6590.39, 6591.02]
                        x: new Date(1538850600000),
                        y: [6591.02, 6603.08, 6591, 6591]
                        x: new Date(1538852400000),
                        y: [6591, 6601.32, 6585, 6592]
                        x: new Date(1538854200000),
                        y: [6593.13, 6596.01, 6590, 6593.34]
                        x: new Date(1538856000000),
                        y: [6593.34, 6604.76, 6582.63, 6593.86]
                        x: new Date(1538857800000),
                        y: [6593.86, 6604.28, 6586.57, 6600.01]
                        x: new Date(1538859600000),
                        y: [6601.81, 6603.21, 6592.78, 6596.25]
                        x: new Date(1538861400000),
                        y: [6596.25, 6604.2, 6590, 6602.99]
                        x: new Date(1538863200000),
                        y: [6602.99, 6606, 6584.99, 6587.81]
                        x: new Date(1538865000000),
                        y: [6587.81, 6595, 6583.27, 6591.96]
                        x: new Date(1538866800000),
                        y: [6591.97, 6596.07, 6585, 6588.39]
                        x: new Date(1538868600000),
                        y: [6587.6, 6598.21, 6587.6, 6594.27]
                        x: new Date(1538870400000),
                        y: [6596.44, 6601, 6590, 6596.55]
                        x: new Date(1538872200000),
                        y: [6598.91, 6605, 6596.61, 6600.02]
                        x: new Date(1538874000000),
                        y: [6600.55, 6605, 6589.14, 6593.01]
                        x: new Date(1538875800000),
                        y: [6593.15, 6605, 6592, 6603.06]
                        x: new Date(1538877600000),
                        y: [6603.07, 6604.5, 6599.09, 6603.89]
                        x: new Date(1538879400000),
                        y: [6604.44, 6604.44, 6600, 6603.5]
                        x: new Date(1538881200000),
                        y: [6603.5, 6603.99, 6597.5, 6603.86]
                        x: new Date(1538883000000),
                        y: [6603.85, 6605, 6600, 6604.07]
                        x: new Date(1538884800000),
                        y: [6604.98, 6606, 6604.07, 6606]
                    chart: {
                    height: 550,
                    type: 'line',
                    toolbar: {
                        show: false,
                    title: {
                    text: 'Price Chart',
                    align: 'left'
                    stroke: {
                    width: [3, 1]
                    tooltip: {
                    shared: true,
                    custom: [function({seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w}) {
                        return w.globals.series[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
                    }, function({ seriesIndex, dataPointIndex, w }) {
                        var o = w.globals.seriesCandleO[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
                        var h = w.globals.seriesCandleH[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
                        var l = w.globals.seriesCandleL[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
                        var c = w.globals.seriesCandleC[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
                        return (
                    xaxis: {
                    type: 'datetime'

                    var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#stockPriceChart"), options);


here is a fiddle for the example


  • In stroke width and tooltip custom you have values given as array (each value is for a specific series), number of elements there must be equal to number of series.

    stroke: {
      width: [3, 3, 1]
    tooltip: {
      shared: true,
      custom: [
      function({seriesIndex,dataPointIndex,w}) {
        return w.globals.series[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
      },function({seriesIndex,dataPointIndex,w}) {
        return w.globals.series[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
      function({seriesIndex,dataPointIndex,w}) {
        var o = w.globals.seriesCandleO[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
        var h = w.globals.seriesCandleH[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
        var l = w.globals.seriesCandleL[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
        var c = w.globals.seriesCandleC[seriesIndex][dataPointIndex]
        return `${o}<br>${h}<br>${l}<br>${c}`